Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Steven Overly, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Daniel Overton, Assistant Professor
Pepperdine University
Communication Division

Brad Owens, Professor
Baylor University
Department of Journalism

Bryson Owens, Adjunct Professor
University of Hartford
School of Communication

David Owens, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Reginald Owens, Professor
Louisiana Tech University
Department of Journalism

Elizabeth Owens-Schiele, Adjunct Professor
Columbia College Chicago
Department of Communication

H. Dan O’Hair , Professor
University of Kentucky
College of Communications and Information Studies

Sharon O’Malley, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

David O’Shields, Adjunct Instructor
University of Northern Iowa
Department of Communication Studies

Marianne Pabis, Instructor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Communication

Greg Pabst, Lecturer
University of San Francisco
Department of Communication Studies

Marcel Pacatte, Lecturer
University of Western Ontario
Medill School of Journalism

Cameron A. Pace, Professor
Evangel University
Department of Communication

Roger C. Pace, Professor
University of San Diego
Department of Communication Studies


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