Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Chuka Onwumechili, Professor
Howard University
Department of Journalism

Andrew Opel, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Communication

Jason Oppliger, Lecturer
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Communication Studies

Mark Orbe, Associate Professor
Western Michigan University
Department of Communication

Megan Orcholski, Associate Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Communication

Andres Orozco, Professor
Pepperdine University
Communication Division

Victoria Orrego, Assistant Professor
University of Miami
School of Communication

Jan Orvik, Lecturer
University of North Dakota
School of Communication

John Osborne, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma Christian University
Department of Journalism & Public Relations-Social Media

Dee Oseroff-Varnell, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Wake Forest University
Department of Communication

Doug Osman, Clinical Associate Professor
Purdue University
Department of Communication

Andrea Otanez, Lecturer
University of Washington
Department of Communication

Brian L. Ott, Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Communication Studies

Randy Ott, Adjunct Instructor
Western Michigan University
Department of Communication

Michael Overing, Adjunct Lecturer
University of Southern California
School of Communication


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