Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

SARAH OATES, Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Thomas Oates, Associate Professor
University of Iowa
School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Jonathan Obar, Assistant Professor
York University
Graduate Programme in Communication & Culture

Levi Obijiofor, Senior Lecturer
University of Queensland
School of Journalism and Communication

Levi Obijiofor, Lecturer
The University of Queensland
School of Journalism & Communication

Jim Ockey, Lecturer
University of Canterbury
School of Political Science and Mass Communication

Diane Odell, Adjunct Professor
Columbia College Chicago
Department of Communication

Sarah Burke Odland, Assistant Professor
University of San Diego
Department of Communication Studies

Chris W. Ogbondah, Professor
University of Northern Iowa
Department of Communication Studies

Robert Ogles, Associate Professor
Purdue University
Department of Communication

KATHERINE OGNYANOVA, Associate Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Communication

Jeeyun Oh, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Communication Studies

Jessy Ohl, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama
College of Communication and Information Sciences

Sam Ohrenberger-Hopkins, Lecturer
Seton Hall University
Department of Communication

Tokunbo Ojo, Associate Professor
York University
Graduate Programme in Communication & Culture


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