Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

Donald McKenna, Associate Professor
Seton Hall University
Department of Communication

Mitch McKenney, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Raymie McKerrow, Professor
Ohio University
School of Communication Studies

Gladys McKie, Lecturer
Northeastern University
School of Journalism

Lincoln R. McKie, Lecturer
Northeastern University
School of Journalism

Mitchell McKinney, Assistant Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Communication

Irene McKisson, Adjunct Instructor
University of Arizona
Department of Journalism

Michael McKisson, Assistant Professor
University of Arizona
Department of Journalism

Christe McKittrick, Instructor
Miami University of Ohio
Department of Comunication

Rachel McLaren, Assistant Professor
University of Iowa
Department of Communication Studies

HEATHER MCLAUGHLIN, Associate Professor
Olivet Nazarene University
Department of Communication

Lisa McLaughlin, Assistant Professor
Miami University of Ohio
Department of Comunication

Margaret McLaughlin, Professor
University of Southern California
School of Communication

Polly McLean, Associate Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Don McLeese, Associate Professor
University of Iowa
School of Journalism & Mass Communication


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