Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4615 members found

David Loomis, Assistant Professor
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Department of Journalism

Angie Looney, Adjunct Instructor
University of Iowa
School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Ana M. Lopez, Associate Professor
Tulane University
Department of Communication

University of Maryland, College Park
College of Journalism

Cheryl Lossie, Lecturer
Clemson University
Department of Communication Studies

Fabien Loszach, Lecturer
Université du Québec à Montréal
Department of Social and Public Communication

Dan Lothian, Professor
Northeastern University
School of Journalism

Phil Loubere, Assistant Professor
Middle Tennessee State University
School of Journalism

Allan Louden, Associate Professor
Wake Forest University
Department of Communication

Karen Louise-Smith, Assistant Professor
Brock University
Department of Communications, Popular Culture and Film

DAVID LOVE, Assistant Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Journalism and Media Studies

James Lovel, Instructor
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Department of Communication

April Lovrien, Instructor
University of South Dakota
Department of Communicaton Studies

Donald I. Lowe, Lecturer
University of Kentucky
Department of Communication

David Lowry, Professor
Oklahoma Christian University
Department of Public Communication & Leadership


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