Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

Stuart Smith, Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Anthropology

Susan Kirkpatrick Smith, Associate Professor
Kennesaw State University
Department of Geography and Anthropology

William R. Smith, Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Nancy Smith-Hefner, Associate Professor
Boston University
Department of Anthropology

Carolyn Smith-Morris, Assistant Professor
Southern Methodist University
Department of Anthropology

Vania Smith-Oka, Assistant Professor
University of Notre Dame
Department of Anthropology

Martha Smithey, Associate Professor
University of Texas, El Paso
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Martha Smithey, Associate Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work

BRIAN SMITHSON, Assistant Professor
St Mary's College of Maryland
Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Edward Snajdr, Professor
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Department of Anthropology

JAMES E. SNEAD, Assistant Professor
George Mason University
Department of Anthropology

Josh Snodgrass, Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Department of Anthropology

Jennifer Snook , Instructor
University of Mississippi
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Dean R. Snow, Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Anthropology

MERADETH SNOW, Associate Professor
University of Montana
Department of Anthropology


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