Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

John M. McCullough, Professor
University of Utah
Department of Anthropology

Thomas McDade, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Anthropology

James Andrew McDonald, Professor
University of Northern British Columbia
Department of Anthropology

William McDonald, Professor
Georgetown University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Debra McDougall, Associate Professor
University of Western Australia
Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology

Bonnie McElhinny, Associate Professor
University of Toronto
Department of Anthropology

Richard McElreath, Assistant Professor
University of California, Davis
Department of Anthropology

Pamela McElwee, Associate Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Anthropology

Gordon McEwan, Emeritus Professor
Wagner College
Department of Anthropology

Shannon McFarlin, Associate Professor
George Washington University
Department of Anthropology

Micki McGee, Assistant Professor
Fordham University
Department of Sociology & Anthropology

Dennis McGilvray, Associate Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Anthropology

University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Anthropology

Allison McGovern, Lecturer
Columbia University
Department of Anthropology

Patrick E. McGovern, Adjunct Associate Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Anthropology


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