Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

Joyce Marcus, Professor
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Department of Anthropology

Curtis Marean, Professor
Arkansas State University, Beebe
Department of Anthropology

Teresa Mares, Associate Professor
University of Vermont
Department of Anthropology

Maxine Margolis, Professor
University of Florida
Department of Anthropology

Kathryn Mariner, Associate Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Anthropology

A. Catherine Markham, Associate Professor
State University of New York, Stony Brook
Department of Anthropology

Julie G. Markin, Associate Professor
Washington College
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology

Lisa B. Markowitz, Associate Professor
University of Louisville
Department of Anthropology

Frank Marlowe, Professor
Florida State University
Department of Anthropology

Lauren Marr, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Anthropology

Rochelle A. Marrinan, Associate Professor
Florida State University
Department of Anthropology

McKim Marriott, Professor Emeritus
University of Chicago
Department of Anthropology

Deb Marseline, Instructor
Kansas State University
Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Anthropology

Harvey Marshall, Professor
Purdue University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology


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