Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

Nancy Lutkehaus, Associate Professor
University of Southern California
Department of Anthropology

Catherine A Lutz, Professor
Brown University
Department of Anthropology

MARK LYCETT, Adjunct Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Anthropology

Stephen Lycett, Associate Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Anthropology

R. Lee Lyman, Professor
University of Missouri-Columbia
Department of Anthropology

Elizabeth Lynch
University of Wyoming
Department of Anthropology

Jane Lynch, Lecturer
Yale University
Department of Anthropology

Owen M. Lynch, Charles F. Noyes Professor Emeritus
New York University
Department of Anthropology

Margaret Lyneis, Professor Emeritus
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Anthropology & Ethnic Studies

Richard Lyon, Lecturer
University of Western Australia
Discipline of Anthropology and Sociology

Vincent Lyon-Callo, Assistant Professor
Western Michigan University
Department of Anthropology

Barry J. Lyons, Associate Professor
Wayne State University
Department of Anthropology

KRISTINA LYONS, Assistant Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Anthropology

William Lyons, Professor
Washington State University
Department of Anthropology

Chris LYTTLETON, Professor
Macquarie University
Department of Anthropology


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