Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

A. Katherine Lambert-Pennington, Assistant Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Anthropology

Mario LaMothe, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Anthropology

Vincent Lamotta, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
Department of Anthropology

Michelle Lampl, Associate Professor
Emory University
Department of Anthropology

Aaron Lampman, Associate Professor
Washington College
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology

ROGER LANCASTER, Associate Professor
George Mason University
Department of Anthropology

David Landon
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Departmental of Anthropology

Gail H. Landsman, Professor
State University of New York at Albany
Department of Anthropology

Claudia Lang, Lecturer
Tufts University
Department Of Sociology & Anthropology

Gretchen Chesley Lang, Professor Emeritus
University of North Dakota
Department of Anthropology

Norris G. Lang, Associate Professor
University of Houston
Department of Anthropology

Jean M. Langford, Assistant Professor
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Anthropology

SUSAN LANGLEY, Adjunct Professor
St Mary's College of Maryland
Department of Anthropology and Sociology

Nicolas Langlitz, Associate Professor
The New School
Department of Anthropology

Stacey Langwick, Assistant Professor
Cornell University
Department of Anthropology


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