Who's Who in
Social Sciences Academia

4966 members found

Royce Kurtz, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Mississippi
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Sibel Kusimba, Assistant Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department of Anthropology

Adrie Kusserow, Professor
Saint Michael's College
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Chris Kuzawa, Assistant Professor
University of Western Ontario
Department of Anthropology

Patricia B. Kwachka, Professor
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Department of Anthropology

Lynn Kwiatkowski, Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Anthropology

Chris Kyle, Assistant Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Anthropology and Social Work

Jason M. LaBelle, Associate Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Anthropology

Marie France Labrecque, Emeritus Professor
Laval University
Department of Anthropology

William S. Lachicotte, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Anthropology

Dany Lacombe, Associate Professor
Simon Fraser University
Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Sebastien C.P. Lacombe, Research Assistant Professor
State University of New York at Binghamton
Department of Anthropology

Cameron Lacquement , Instructor
University of Alabama
Department of Anthropology

Sarah Lacy, Assistant Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Anthropology

Leslie Laczko, Professor
University of Ottawa
Department of Sociology and Anthropology


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